P-boronophenylalanine complexes with fructose and related...
P2y receptor antagonists
Packaging of immunostimulatory oligonucleotides into...
Palladium catalyzed nucleoside modification methods using...
Parallel or antiparallel, homologous or complementary...
Parallel selex
Partial and full agonists of a1 adenosine receptors
Partial and full agonists of a1 adenosine receptors
Partial and full agonists of a1 adenosine receptors
Partial and full agonists of a1 adenosine receptors
Partial or full a1 agonists - n6 heterocyclic 5'-thio...
Partially digestible sucrose esters as low calorie fat mimetics
Partricin methyl ester
Pathogeniv tau mutations
Pathways underlying pancreatic tumorigenesis and an...
Pentopyranosylnucleoside, its preparation and use
Peptide nucleic acid conjugates and uses thereof
Peptide nucleic acid probes for analysis of certain...
Peptide nucleic acid probes for analysis of microorganisms