Tylosin derivatives, processes for their production and...
Tylosine derivatives, process for their preparation and...
Universal eubacteria nucleic acid probes and methods
Universal sample preparation method which can be automated
Universal spacer/energy transfer dyes
Unsaturated carbohydrate derivatives, polymers thereof and...
Uracil derivatives, and production and use of same
Uracyl cyclopropyl nucleotides
Uracyl spirooxetane nucleosides
Uridine derivatives as antibiotics
Uronic glycoside fluoroalkyl acids and associated...
Use of 2',3'-dideoxycytidin-2'-ene (2',3'-dideoxy-2',...
Use of 4'-iodo-4'-deoxydoxorubicin for the treatment of...
Use of a pentopyranosylnucleoside for the production of an...
Use of acid scavengers in removal of protons (acidity) of...
Use of antisense oligonucleotides to inhibit the expression...
Use of c-nucleoside analogs for treatment of hepatitis c...
Use of calendula glycosides for the treatment of psoriasis
Use of cobalamins for topical treatment of dermatological...
Use of complexes and chelates resp., of antibiotics with...