Pattern generator
Pattern recessed by anisotropic reactive ion etching and...
Pattern recognition system and method
Pattern silicon nitride masking layers
Patterned array of uniform metal microbeads
Patterned thin film and process for preparing the same
Patterning method in the manufacture of miniaturized devices
Pb-free solder-connected structure and electronic device
Pb-free solder-connected structure and electronic device
Pb-ge-te-compounds for thermoelectric generators or peltier...
Pbs-pbse ir detector arrays and fabrication method
Pedestal transistor process
Peltier cooler integrated with electronic device(s)
Peltier cooling stage utilizing a...
Pendeoepitaxial gallium nitride layers grown on weak posts
Pendeoepitaxial growth of gallium nitride layers on sapphire...
Performance of location-selective catalytic reactions with...
Persistent current switch for high energy superconductive...
Phase shift device in superconductor logic
Phase-locked semiconductor laser array and a method of...