Simple protein and method of deriving it from liver using an...
Single branch heparin-binding growth factor analogs
Single chain antibodies against beta-amyloid peptide
Single chain fc polypeptides
Single chain fc, methods of making and methods of treatment
Single domain antibodies capable of modulating bace activity
Single domain antibodies directed against tumour necrosis...
Single domain camelide anti-amyloid beta antibodies and...
Single domain vhh antibodies against von willebrand factor
Single exon genes encoding novel bio-active peptides
Single morphic forms of known peptide metalloproteinase...
Single-chain antibody with cleavable linker
Single-chain antigen-binding proteins capable of...
Single-chain antiparallel coiled coil proteins
Single-chain multivalent binding proteins with effector...
Single-domain antigen-binding antibody fragments derived...
Single-domain antigen-binding proteins that bind mammalian igg
Site specific n-terminal modifications of proteins and...
Site-directed chemotherapy of metastases
Site-directed dual pegylation of proteins for improved...