Corrosion resistant surface-treated steel strip and process...
Corrosion-protection layer for heat-resistant alloys
Corrosion-resistant composite coating to be formed on steel...
Corrosion-resistant conductive member
Coumarin-carrier addition agent for nickel baths
Counter-current fluid injector
Countercurrent electrodeposition process
Covering for a cell for fused salt electrolysis
Covering for photothermal conversion
Covering of an aluminium-producing electrolysis cell
Crust breaker
Crust breaker and ore dispenser
Crust breaker device for aluminium electrolysis cells
Crust breaker for piercing the crust formed on a metal...
Cryolite vat for the production of aluminum by electrolysis
Crystalline chromium alloy deposit
Crystalline chromium deposit
Cu-ni-fe anode for use in aluminum producing electrolytic cell