Salting of cheese curds to control the fermentation of the...
Sausage casing and method for preparing the same
Savory cheese fillings and food products including these...
Savory cheese fillings and food products including these...
Self-timing yogurt maker and method
Semi continuous cheese-making process and machine
Shelf stable dairy products
Shelf stable dessert product and method for manufacture thereof
Shelf stable homogeneous suspension
Shelf stable liquid whitener and process of making thereof
Shelf stable meltable particulate food product
Shelf stable product with living micro-organisms
Shelf-stable aerosol dispensable yogurt products
Shelf-stable aseptic dairy product
Shelf-stable calcium fortified milk and dairy products
Shelf-stable concentrated dairy liquids and methods of...
Shelf-stable foodstuffs and methods for their preparation
Shelf-stable low-fat biologically fermented dairy product
Shelf-stable milk concentrates for preparing acidified milk...
Shelf-stable milk-containing beverage products