Use of spla2 activity for the diagnosis of a cardiovascular...
Use of spore adhesion assays in fungicide screening
Use of succinate as a diagnostic tool
Use of the combing process for the identification of dna...
Use of the krit1 gene in angiogenesis
Use of the ornithine transcarbamylase (otc), as a marker for...
Use of the sgk gene family for diagnosis and therapy of...
Use of the slug gene or the replication, transcription or...
Use of the tumour suppressor gene p33ing1 for modulation of...
Use of thermostable endonucleases for generating reporter...
Use of vanadium bromoperoxidase as a signal-generating...
Use of vitamin d receptor agonists and precursors to treat...
Use of whole blood in pcr reactions
Use single nucleotide polymorphsm in the coding region of...
User interface for testing device
Uses of bortezomib in predicting survival in multiple...
Uses of calculus
Uses of dna-pk
Uses of human autism susceptibility gene encoding a kinase
Uses of nucleic acid analogues in the inhibition of nucleic...