2',3'-dideoxy purine nucleosides and process for the...
2',5'-oligoadenylate phosphodiesterase
2'-amido and 2'-peptido modified oligonucleotides
2'-deoxy-isoquanosines, isosteric analogues and isoquanosine...
2'-fluoropyrimidine anti-calf intestinal phosphatase nucleic...
2'-terminator nucleotide-related methods and systems
2'-terminator related pyrophosphorolysis activated...
2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase
2,5-diketogluconic acid reductase purification and use in...
2,5-dkg permeases
2-butanol production method
2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate (2-dog-6-p) phosphatase dna...
2-hydroxy-3-methoxypropyl-n-(7 or...
2-methyl-6-solanylbenzoquinone methyltransferase as target...
2-micron family plasmid and use thereof
2-o sulfatase compositions and related methods
2-oxocarboxylic acid reductase and its preparation
2-pyranone derivative and process for production thereof
20 human secreted proteins