E. coli detection broth for clinical use with automated...
E. coli having gene for production of staphylokinase and...
E. coli mediated gene silencing of beta-catenin
E.coli host cells with modified phos/psts periplasmic...
E.coli o157:h7 c1-1nh-binding protein and methods of use
E1 endoglucanase cellulose binding domain
E1 endoglucanase variants y245g, y82r and w42r
E1b-deleted adenoviral shuttle vectors
E2-binding proteins
E25a protein, methods for production and use thereof
E2f ubiquitination domain, and assays for inhibitors of e2f...
E6 binding proteins
Early antigen for autoimmune diabetes
Early detection and prognosis of colon cancers
Early detection and prognosis of colon cancers
Early detection of sepsis
Early diagnostic test
Early inflorescence-preferred regulatory elements and uses...
Early mesoderm cells, a stable population of mesendoderm...
Early onset alzheimer's disease gene and gene products