Delta 6,7-taxols antineoplastic use and pharmaceutical...
Delta and epsilon crystal forms of imatinib mesylate
Delta crystalline form of ivabradine chlorhydrate, process...
Delta crystalline form of ivabradine chlorhydrate, process...
Delta _-derivatives of ll-f28249 compounds
Delta _-ll-f28249 compounds
Demethylation of (-)-1-(p-methoxybenzyl)-2-methyl-1,2,...
Demethylation of 14-hydroxy substituted alkaloid derivatives
Demethylation of 14-hydroxy substituted alkaloid derivatives
Demethylpenclomedine analogs and their use as anticancer agents
Dense phase epoxidation
Deodorization of cyanuric chloride
Deoxy paclitaxels
Deoxyclavulanic acid, salts and esters
Deoxynarasin antibiotics
Deoxynojirimycin analogues and their uses as...
Deoxynojirimycin and d-arabinitol analogs and methods of using
Deoxynojirimycin derivatives and their uses as...