Use of neuronal and lymphocytic potassium canal inhibitors...
Use of nona- and decapeptides in the preparation of a drug...
Use of p27kip1 for the prevention and treatment of heart...
Use of p97 as an enzyme delivery system for the delivery of...
Use of panton-valentine leukocidin for treating and...
Use of peptide fragments of the calcium channel .alpha.-1...
Use of peptides comprising post-translational modifications...
Use of peptides that bind to tpo receptor
Use of phenol soluble modulins for the development of vaccines
Use of polypeptides against diseases caused by protozoans
Use of proteins and peptides of the tgf-beta superfamily for...
Use of quinic, shikimic acids and their derivatives for...
Use of ricin oil as anti-inflammatory agent
Use of semaphorin for modulation of cellular efflux
Use of soluble forms of cd83 and nucleic acids encoding them...
Use of specific binding molecules in potentiating igf-i...
Use of structured depth filters for virus removal
Use of t-cadherin as a target
Use of the irap protein for implementing methods of...
Use of tm-601 for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors