Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms from natural...
Isolation and culturing of fetal cells
Isolation and expression of a gene for a nitrilase from...
Isolation and expression of farnesene synthase from...
Isolation and identification of novel polymerases
Isolation and preservation of fetal and neonatal...
Isolation and purification of hematopoietic stem cells from...
Isolation and purification of nucleic acid molecules with a...
Isolation and purification of plasmodium falciparum...
Isolation and screening of subcuticular brittlestar bacteria...
Isolation and transplantation of retinal stem cells
Isolation and use of motoneuronotrophic factors
Isolation and use of solid tumor stem cells
Isolation and/or preservation of dendritic cells for...
Isolation cloning and expression of primate gm-csf
Isolation growth and differentiation of human muscle cells
Isolation of a cdna clone encoding a subunit of the...
Isolation of a gene encoding human thyrotropin beta subunit
Isolation of a novel interferon gene and expression thereof
Isolation of a novel senescence-factor gene, p23