The use of dioxapyrrolomycin as an antiparasitic agent and...
The use of enzymatic resolution for the preparation of...
The use of serum-free adapted rat cells for producing...
Therapeutic combination of carnitine and antioxidant...
Therapeutic nucleosides
Therapeutic uses of the hypervariable region of monoclonal...
Thermacetogenium phaeum consortium for the production of...
Thermal cycler for microfluidic array assays
Thermally-denatured deoxyribonucleic acid md-o11 and...
Thermo-gelable polysaccharide
Thermophilic organisms for conversion of lignocellulosic...
Thermophilic organisms for conversion of lignocellulosic...
Thermophilic strand displacement amplifications using avai
Thermostable glucoamylase from talaromyces duponti
Thiangazole, its preparation, compositions and use thereof
Thiomarinol derivatives, and processes for their preparation
Thrombin inhibitors based on the amino acid sequence of hirudin
Thrombomodulin derivatives and conjugates
Tiacumicin production
Tissue-derived tumor growth inhibitors, methods of...