Lipase inhibiting composition
Lipase single reagent system
Lipase-labelled probe
Lipid-dependent diagnostic assays
Lipoparticles comprising ion channels, methods of making,...
Lipophilic quenching of viral inactivating agents
Lipoprotein sensor
Lipoprotein surfactant
Liquid crystal based analyte detection
Liquid crystal based analyte detection
Liquid prothrombin time reagent
Liquid reagent set for l-lactate determination
Liquid stable thiol activator
Liquid thromboplastin reagent
Liquid-phase galactose oxidase-schiff's assay
Live cell procedures to identify compounds modulating...
Liver cancer biomarkers
Liver disease-related methods and systems
Liver inflammation predictive genes
Lmna gene and its involvement in hutchinson-gilford progeria...