Transgenic animals expressing antibodies specific for genes...
Transgenic animals expressing diabetogenic t-cell receptor...
Transgenic animals expressing human fc receptors
Transgenic animals expressing prkag3
Transgenic animals for assessing drug metabolism and toxicity
Transgenic animals for assessing drug metabolism and toxicity
Transgenic animals for the study of biological, physical and...
Transgenic animals producing oligosaccharides and...
Transgenic animals with knocked-in vec receptor genes and...
Transgenic animals with serious disorders related to...
Transgenic drosophilia melanogaster expressing beta amyloid
Transgenic fibrinogen
Transgenic fibrinogen
Transgenic fish with increased unsaturated fatty acid content
Transgenic flies expressing mutant a.beta.42
Transgenic goat producing milk containing human...
Transgenic mammal capable of facilitating production of...
Transgenic mammal carrying ganp gene transferred thereinto...
Transgenic mammals
Transgenic mammals and cell lines for the identification of...