Dual position linear displacement micromechanism
Electrical connection through a substrate to a...
Electrical cross-talk shields for mems micromirrors
Electrical microvalve and method of manufacturing thereof
Electrode configuration for piano mems micromirrors
Electromechanical device comprising electronic components...
Electromechanical three-trace junction devices
Electropipettor and compensation means for electrophoretic bias
Electrostatically operated device
Electrostatically operated device
Electrothermally-driven mems microgrippers with integrated...
Embedded control valve using electroactive material
Embedded fluid mixing device using a homopolar motor
Encapsulation process for microelectromechanical structures
Fabrication and use of submicron wide suspended structures
Fabrication of metallic microstructures via exposure of...
Flexible microstructured superhydrophobic materials
Flow switching on a multi-structured microfluidic cd...
Fluid circuit components based upon passive fluid dynamics
Fluidic pumping system