Rapamycin peptides conjugates: synthesis and uses thereof
Rapid antemortem detection of infectious agents
Rapid dehydration of proteins
Rapid process for arraying and synthesizing bead-based...
Rapid quantitative peptide synthesis using mixed anhydrides
Rapidly cleavable substrate for hiv protease
Rapidly cleavable sumo fusion protein expression system for...
Rasgap derived peptide for selectively killing cancer cells
Rat grf and analogs
Rationally designed antibodies
Rbm3 protein in colorectal cancer prognostics
Rcrf and analogs
Reaction medium and peptides solubilizer and synthesis...
Reactor and method for solid phase peptide synthesis
Reagent useful for breakingdown and method of use of said...
Reagents and method for detecting polychlornated biphenyls
Reagents and methods for detecting a polymorphic protein
Reagents and methods for detecting influenza virus proteins
Reagents and methods for diagnosing, imaging and treating...