Screening methods for transfusion related acute lung injury...
Screening methods using g-protein coupled receptors and...
Screening system for zinc finger polypeptides for a desired...
Sdf-1-based glycosaminoglycan antagonists and methods of...
Sdk peptides, a preparation process of the same and...
Sdr proteins from staphylococcus capitis and their use in...
Second generation monoclonal antibodies having binding...
Second messenger cell signaling inhibitors
Secreted neural apoptosis inhibiting proteins
Secreted proteins
Secreted proteins and polynucleotides encoding them
Sedative peptides
Seeding crystals for the preparation of peptides or proteins
Selected peptides of the group-specific antigen (gag) of...
Selectin binding glycopeptides
Selectin variants
Selective acylation of .epsilon.-amino groups
Selective alfavbeta3 receptor peptide antagonist for...
Selective amylin antagonist peptides and uses therefor
Selective caspase inhibitors