Use of gene expression profiling to predict survival in...
Use of genetic markers for identifying the response to...
Use of genetic markers to diagnose familial dysautonomia
Use of genetic markers to diagnose familial dysautonomia
Use of genetic polymorphisms that associate with efficacy of...
Use of genetic polymorphisms to predict drug-induced...
Use of genomic testing and ketogenic compounds for treatment...
Use of hcv core antigen assay for screening of anti-viral...
Use of id4 for diagnosis and treatment of cancer
Use of il-17 expression to predict skin inflammation;...
Use of indolamine derivatives for detecting micro-organism...
Use of inhibitors of color generation in chromogenic assays
Use of inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis for treating cancer
Use of intronic rna to measure gene expression
Use of isogenic drug-resistant cell lines to determine the...
Use of isogenic human cancer cells for high-throughput...
Use of jag2 expression in diagnosis of plasma cell disorders
Use of lecithin:retinol acyl transferase gene promoter...
Use of lipase for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol...
Use of mcrp for delivery of materials into cells