Identification and engineering of antibodies with variant fc...
Identification and engineering of antibodies with variant...
Identification and enumeration of coccidial sporocysts
Identification and expression of insect steroid receptor dna...
Identification and insolation of multipotent cells from...
Identification and isolation of fetal cells and nucleic acid
Identification and isolation of novel polypeptides having ww...
Identification and isolation of root hair-curling genes
Identification and method for using the pre-ligand assembly...
Identification and modification of immunodominant epitopes...
Identification and molecular characterisation of proteins,...
Identification and overexpression of a dna sequence coding...
Identification and quantification of a plurality of...
Identification and quantification of biomarkers for...
Identification and quantification of oncogenic hpv nucleic...
Identification and selection of stem cells being committed...
Identification and use of antiviral compounds
Identification and use of bacterial [2fe-2s] dihydroxy-acid...
Identification and use of gprc variants in the treatment and...
Identification and use of human bone marrow-derived...