Sacrificial template method of fabricating a nanotube
Sapphire substrates and methods of making same
Saturated and unsaturated halocarbon gases in plasma etching
Scintillation crystals having reduced afterglow and methods...
Seed and method and epitaxial solidification
Segmented substrate for improved arc-jet diamond deposition
Self-aligned cmos process for bulk silicon and insulating...
Self-aligned cmos process for bulk silicon and insulating...
Self-aligned cmos process for bulk silicon and insulating...
Semi-insulating silicon carbide without vanadium domination
Semiconductive barium titanate
Semiconductive cubic boron nitride and process
Semiconductive polycrystalline diamond
Semiconductor device manufacture
Semiconductor devices employing high resistivity in p-based...
Semiconductor devices having dielectrically isolated...
Semiconductor materials
Semiconductor nanocrystal heterostructures
Semiconductor substrates doped with nitrogen